Hekate, a most powerful and ancient goddess, appeared at a log house artist residency I was staying in the Canadian desert. She is goddess of the night, the light, magic, protection from witchcraft, the Moon, powerful herbs, graves, ghosts and necromancy and sorcery, among many other powers. The ancient Greeks had a monthly meal in her honour to ward off evil spirits. I felt that the goddess was blessing the residence. My Hekate in this era is a power lesbian. A Mandrake woman, wraps around her with love and support and her Polecat familiar (once a goddess who was saved by Hakate when Zues turned her into the animal) sits by her side. Night creatures and symbols associated with her through history surround her. Her arm humorously resting on her forehead as if the state of the human world has all become a bit too much for her to deal with.